Friday, December 18, 2009

portfolio changes

Sold out of BVF 100% earlier this week.

Bought more ORS and ALDA in last few months.

Updating and changing watchlist to include: MTE, TDW, ALC, CNJ, CVI, EVI, LOJN, AG.un, and others.

Moving money into newly created TFSA and Spousal RRSP accounts at Questrade. To be completed by next week. Some of the above and a few others might be added to the new accounts rather soon, but i will keep a good amount in cash to wait for dips or better prices on these and others.

Currently reading: Nassim Taleb's updated 'fooled by randomness', and Niall Ferguson's 'the ascent of money'. On Xmas wishlist (Outliers, Superfreakonomics and Security analysis).