Saturday, August 20, 2011

been a long time..


Finally sold off some duds. PNSN, ORS, Ag.un, and a more poorly thought through YLO have all been discarded.

I have largely ignored options for over the past year due to a shift to an RRSP account focus and not really enough volatility to justify paltry premiums on covered calls.

I did look at RIM today and @ $26.50 or so writing a Sept call @ $28.00 for $2.19 ask looks mildly interesting.

Performance this year has been greater than ugly with stupid move compounded by more of the same. I am a slow learner and YLO taught me more of the same as Canwest. The business will survive, but common will be gone and debt holders will get 'something' in the end.

Since i am what appears to be masochistic i spent part of today reading about a Chinese paper company.. hopefully its no TRE!

1 comment:

  1. Switching to an annual posting schedule? :)

    (I feel like I have too)

