Sold out of BVF 100% earlier this week.
Bought more ORS and ALDA in last few months.
Updating and changing watchlist to include: MTE, TDW, ALC, CNJ, CVI, EVI, LOJN, AG.un, and others.
Moving money into newly created TFSA and Spousal RRSP accounts at Questrade. To be completed by next week. Some of the above and a few others might be added to the new accounts rather soon, but i will keep a good amount in cash to wait for dips or better prices on these and others.
Currently reading: Nassim Taleb's updated 'fooled by randomness', and Niall Ferguson's 'the ascent of money'. On Xmas wishlist (Outliers, Superfreakonomics and Security analysis).
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tax advantages and portfolio chanes
Before updates:
If your really bored or nerdy like me you can check out
then enter in $60000 income into the Canadian dividends from public corps and viola total tax owing is $91.06
I think i found this loop hole originally at
I would like to confirm this with an accountant first, but it looks legit. The biggest problem is just coming up with the $500,000 - $1,000,000 and then finding the 'good' company with 4-8% dividend yield... (ie. BCE, perhaps DHF.un, YLO.un when they convert, most big Canadian banks, TRP, ENB, TRI, ACO.b, ABO.a*(one of my favourites in the group), CP, IIC, GWO, MFC, FTS, L, akt.a, CNR, RCI.b, etc.
Of course many of these companies no longer sport 5-10% yields, but closer to 2-4% range. Some are close to 100% payout too, which isn't a good sign. Many trusts will be converting and some good companies could be handing out large yields in the next few years, with the ability to actually cover them with earnings.
Lastly a deep in the money put would likely be a reasonably priced way to protect (like insurance) your capital in case of major market drops like the last few years!
Portfolio changes:
sold out 80% of BVF in steps.
Bought small amounts (roughly 5% of trading capital) of:
New strategy on new buys: buy smaller amount and if it falls (atleast 20%) and company situation has materially changed average down.
still holding:
CGS (worthless but good reminder not to buy goodwill fluff without any earnings to back it up and huge debt just to add insult to injury. Good lesson)
Cash level in account close to 50%.
Continuing to updating and analyze companies on watchlists. Currently using (sends emails on volume and target prices), (highlights companies on lists when @ or below target price), and google to track idea's. Sedar and Edgar for company info and insight.
Also chaning checklist and polishing it for ease of use to evaluate companies quicker and allow for better comparison between idea's. Currently looking at buying CNJ (missed the boat), AG.un (also missed this boat), ARTW, NWF.un, OME, STMP, VOXX & ALC to name a few.
Contemplating selling puts on L, BVF, and a few others instead of buying and to collect small amounts (hopefully) if companies hold or go up. Nice way to get into a position a little cheaper if your going to buy anyways, but cheaper cost comes with potential opportunity cost if stock moves higher quickly in time frame.
Found new website this week which seems very helpful for debt insight.
Golden opportunites are shrinking.
If your really bored or nerdy like me you can check out
then enter in $60000 income into the Canadian dividends from public corps and viola total tax owing is $91.06
I think i found this loop hole originally at
I would like to confirm this with an accountant first, but it looks legit. The biggest problem is just coming up with the $500,000 - $1,000,000 and then finding the 'good' company with 4-8% dividend yield... (ie. BCE, perhaps DHF.un, YLO.un when they convert, most big Canadian banks, TRP, ENB, TRI, ACO.b, ABO.a*(one of my favourites in the group), CP, IIC, GWO, MFC, FTS, L, akt.a, CNR, RCI.b, etc.
Of course many of these companies no longer sport 5-10% yields, but closer to 2-4% range. Some are close to 100% payout too, which isn't a good sign. Many trusts will be converting and some good companies could be handing out large yields in the next few years, with the ability to actually cover them with earnings.
Lastly a deep in the money put would likely be a reasonably priced way to protect (like insurance) your capital in case of major market drops like the last few years!
Portfolio changes:
sold out 80% of BVF in steps.
Bought small amounts (roughly 5% of trading capital) of:
New strategy on new buys: buy smaller amount and if it falls (atleast 20%) and company situation has materially changed average down.
still holding:
CGS (worthless but good reminder not to buy goodwill fluff without any earnings to back it up and huge debt just to add insult to injury. Good lesson)
Cash level in account close to 50%.
Continuing to updating and analyze companies on watchlists. Currently using (sends emails on volume and target prices), (highlights companies on lists when @ or below target price), and google to track idea's. Sedar and Edgar for company info and insight.
Also chaning checklist and polishing it for ease of use to evaluate companies quicker and allow for better comparison between idea's. Currently looking at buying CNJ (missed the boat), AG.un (also missed this boat), ARTW, NWF.un, OME, STMP, VOXX & ALC to name a few.
Contemplating selling puts on L, BVF, and a few others instead of buying and to collect small amounts (hopefully) if companies hold or go up. Nice way to get into a position a little cheaper if your going to buy anyways, but cheaper cost comes with potential opportunity cost if stock moves higher quickly in time frame.
Found new website this week which seems very helpful for debt insight.
Golden opportunites are shrinking.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Long time hold?
Well new entry time.
Biovail has gone up slowly. It keeps hitting new highs which is a good sign. They have used up most of their cash, started to issue debt to grow and the market seems to like it. I am not convinced and haven't quite decided when to sell yet. I have impeccible timing on selling just before a rally and no doubt this time will be no different.
I have added a few new companies to my watch list and tried to weed out everything from my list. To do this i have created a reject list and have put dates when the were put there a brief reason why (ie to expensive or no earnings) and a possible price when i should revisit it.
Some new companies added are: KSU-N, ORA-T, PTEN-Q, BBEP-Q,
I have also started to consider: YLO.UN-T, AKT.A-T, PAP.A-T, SNY-N
as a few other places to park money after (yes someday i will) selling BVF.
In general the companies that i found extremely cheap 6 months ago now appear fairly valued (well to me anyways). Such as EGD-V, QUA-T, and BCB-T. Many others haven't faired so well, but in general the market seems fair with current earnings (to me).
I follow many blogs thanks to the wonderful google reader. One of my favourites, Squakfox, just gave me her new book for responding to her question 'what is your best money saving advice tip'. Mine was to just use low cost funds or ETF's, and take every opportunity to take the governments money such as RRSP's, RESP's and TFSA's.
One side note: i was reading Moneysense magazine earlier (I like many still enjoy reading print over computer screens) and it really hit me how thin it had gotten. I sorta liked not having the adds taking up most of the magaizine. Kind of intrigued i grabbed an older copy (i have kept most of them since 2004) and compared how many adds.
Not only were the November '04 adds mostly 1 or 2 pagers, but they were close to tripple that of my recent Moneysense May '09 copy. 12 adds today compared to 33 in '04. Wow that has to hurt the margins. Many of my favourite writers are gone too which is a double whammy. Thankfully i can check most of these writers out online.
Back to actual investing i still have a soft spot for drillers. Besides Akita, KEG-N and PTEN-Q both look interesting.
Others on my watchlist include: ALDA-Q, VCM-T, MT-T, MRD-T, ABO.a-T, ARTW-Q, & a few others.
I will post again hopefully with new buys.
Biovail has gone up slowly. It keeps hitting new highs which is a good sign. They have used up most of their cash, started to issue debt to grow and the market seems to like it. I am not convinced and haven't quite decided when to sell yet. I have impeccible timing on selling just before a rally and no doubt this time will be no different.
I have added a few new companies to my watch list and tried to weed out everything from my list. To do this i have created a reject list and have put dates when the were put there a brief reason why (ie to expensive or no earnings) and a possible price when i should revisit it.
Some new companies added are: KSU-N, ORA-T, PTEN-Q, BBEP-Q,
I have also started to consider: YLO.UN-T, AKT.A-T, PAP.A-T, SNY-N
as a few other places to park money after (yes someday i will) selling BVF.
In general the companies that i found extremely cheap 6 months ago now appear fairly valued (well to me anyways). Such as EGD-V, QUA-T, and BCB-T. Many others haven't faired so well, but in general the market seems fair with current earnings (to me).
I follow many blogs thanks to the wonderful google reader. One of my favourites, Squakfox, just gave me her new book for responding to her question 'what is your best money saving advice tip'. Mine was to just use low cost funds or ETF's, and take every opportunity to take the governments money such as RRSP's, RESP's and TFSA's.
One side note: i was reading Moneysense magazine earlier (I like many still enjoy reading print over computer screens) and it really hit me how thin it had gotten. I sorta liked not having the adds taking up most of the magaizine. Kind of intrigued i grabbed an older copy (i have kept most of them since 2004) and compared how many adds.
Not only were the November '04 adds mostly 1 or 2 pagers, but they were close to tripple that of my recent Moneysense May '09 copy. 12 adds today compared to 33 in '04. Wow that has to hurt the margins. Many of my favourite writers are gone too which is a double whammy. Thankfully i can check most of these writers out online.
Back to actual investing i still have a soft spot for drillers. Besides Akita, KEG-N and PTEN-Q both look interesting.
Others on my watchlist include: ALDA-Q, VCM-T, MT-T, MRD-T, ABO.a-T, ARTW-Q, & a few others.
I will post again hopefully with new buys.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Well lots has happened since my last post.
None of it really belongs on this blog so i will look at the market. Many of my ideas to invest in have gone gangbusters. I still have some that are interesting, but the list has shrunk.
Banks are somehow instantly viable again as the share prices of several have nearly tripled, see Wells Fargo.
Biovail continues to be held and earnings due out May 6th. CLCT should be soon. It will be interesting now that they have removed the Jewellery business how much if any the earnings will be?
My current watchlist has companies like Sherrit, Sierra wireless, ADF group, H. Paulin and many others. While most have gone up 50-100% very quickly others remain low like H. Paulin.
I like to look at my 'CRAP' (can't realise a profit)list to see if companies can come back from the dead. Cott corp, Abitibi, QLT, USS shipping, Canwest global and Liquidation World have all made this list. While about half are down greatly or gone bankrupt the others like Cott have made nice gains, which could offset the large losses. Brick brewing a recent addition had signs of life on Friday.
I had all but forgotten about Urainium stocks except for Cameco, Denison and Uranium one. Mega Uranium however would have been the one to watch. The others have done ok too, but they appear to be a hot sector again. That said what isn't right now... Pharmacueticals!
While this site was intended for options ideas my strategy and focus has shifted greatly. That isn't to say i dislike options, but the VIX made them too expensive for how i intended to use them. I will add ideas on occasion in the future.
Google reader is great for catching up on reading blogs. It also tracks what i do or do not read. Blogs like Simoloen sense are jam packed and have many neat articles, but i have neither time nor inclination to read it all. I prefer blogs that post a few times per week with well laid out ideas or thoughts. << If only i could achieve this?
One last small company to look at is Omega Protein. Has some pretty good looking stats.
None of it really belongs on this blog so i will look at the market. Many of my ideas to invest in have gone gangbusters. I still have some that are interesting, but the list has shrunk.
Banks are somehow instantly viable again as the share prices of several have nearly tripled, see Wells Fargo.
Biovail continues to be held and earnings due out May 6th. CLCT should be soon. It will be interesting now that they have removed the Jewellery business how much if any the earnings will be?
My current watchlist has companies like Sherrit, Sierra wireless, ADF group, H. Paulin and many others. While most have gone up 50-100% very quickly others remain low like H. Paulin.
I like to look at my 'CRAP' (can't realise a profit)list to see if companies can come back from the dead. Cott corp, Abitibi, QLT, USS shipping, Canwest global and Liquidation World have all made this list. While about half are down greatly or gone bankrupt the others like Cott have made nice gains, which could offset the large losses. Brick brewing a recent addition had signs of life on Friday.
I had all but forgotten about Urainium stocks except for Cameco, Denison and Uranium one. Mega Uranium however would have been the one to watch. The others have done ok too, but they appear to be a hot sector again. That said what isn't right now... Pharmacueticals!
While this site was intended for options ideas my strategy and focus has shifted greatly. That isn't to say i dislike options, but the VIX made them too expensive for how i intended to use them. I will add ideas on occasion in the future.
Google reader is great for catching up on reading blogs. It also tracks what i do or do not read. Blogs like Simoloen sense are jam packed and have many neat articles, but i have neither time nor inclination to read it all. I prefer blogs that post a few times per week with well laid out ideas or thoughts. << If only i could achieve this?
One last small company to look at is Omega Protein. Has some pretty good looking stats.
Friday, February 6, 2009
coulda shoulda woulda
As i read about self made millionaires and many other articles i fancy my thoughts trailed off to what i coulda shoulda woulda done differently if i knew then what i know now.
I may have a job loss, like many others, so what would have helped my 'freedom'
1. not buying 2 new cars (I'm a slow learner)
2. not pulling atleast some investments into cash July '07)
3. buy house at markets peak
only time will tell how all works out.
I may have a job loss, like many others, so what would have helped my 'freedom'
1. not buying 2 new cars (I'm a slow learner)
2. not pulling atleast some investments into cash July '07)
3. buy house at markets peak
only time will tell how all works out.
Friday, January 23, 2009
TFSA accounts
Everyone seems to cheer these latest inventions of the government. I am a little less enthusiastic. I don't see the point? I have $5000 that i put into a savings account getting me what 3%? So the tax savings for me is .54 of $150 or about $90/yr. Not exactly life changing for even low income earners who can't find $500 to save much less $5000.
I am thinking of the alternative and going for broke. The flip side to this is that my losses are no longer claimable. I still think the advantages far out way the non deductability. So my TFSA will be put into options, small caps and anything else that looks like it might double or beyond. Of course the opposite may be true, but unless that account really grows its better for me to put money into RRSP's. I can take the refund and pay down non deductible debt.
One bright idea i am looking at is Suntech or STP-N. Numbers look good, but will sales dip drastically during this downturn?
I am thinking of the alternative and going for broke. The flip side to this is that my losses are no longer claimable. I still think the advantages far out way the non deductability. So my TFSA will be put into options, small caps and anything else that looks like it might double or beyond. Of course the opposite may be true, but unless that account really grows its better for me to put money into RRSP's. I can take the refund and pay down non deductible debt.
One bright idea i am looking at is Suntech or STP-N. Numbers look good, but will sales dip drastically during this downturn?
where do i begin. First Tesoro. Whoops. I tried to buy the actual shares when it hit just under $7. Yes tried as i forgot my trading password. Hmmm maybe that whole trading less strategy wasn't such a good idea after all? Well needless to say i have watched TSO and Energold among others go up steadily since i 'couldn't sign in'.
Now armed with my password and some more picks things are looking good. BVF has steadily marched up. I am deciding when to trim some holdings and will wait till after the Feb quarterly report. CLCT is also showings signs of life. Sadly Canwest should be taken out back and shot. I have decided the pittance $200 i have left in it will just stay there for now.
I was reading some silly replies on google finance comments. Some people are so childish. However it got me thinking. In this silly market why not try shorting your favourite failing financial institution and then buying calls in case it decides to stop writing off billions? Have yet to calculate this, but i suspect that the VIX will mean the calls are too rich and the spread to great for this idea.
With all banks doing so badly how soon before we have only government banks? The money being thrown at these companies makes me think of the 'no child left behind' Bush passed. This one could be reworded 'No shitty bank or borrower left behind'.
Many headlines are talking of massive deflation right now which is hard to argue with. Some reputable sources are pointing to inflation not to far off since we are flooding the system with money everywhere. My question is why? If all the banks fail out with that money and the assets are worth little then none of this money will get into the economy for a long time.
The Japan scenario seems to be closest for the US. It can't take more debt to fix the problem, but rather deflation. How much is any ones guess, but it must happen or the next bubble will just be bigger.
Enough ranting. SWIR looks to be trading cheaply. I see they bought another company. More work will need to be done on Sedar/Edgar before i throw good money after bad (i am all pro at this).
I am in the middle of 3 books right now. Literally i have reached the midway point on Common stocks uncommon profits, Snowball, and Unconventional Success. I also received The Contrarians 13 and its sitting on my dresser under the pile. My wife says i need to get a life.
I however quite like my life, but more balance might be a good thing. My 3 year old and I have been skating a few times. I hope he's like me so we can talk cause my wife sure doesn't.
If i was a betting man i might guess that picking railways, such as BNI, isn't such a bad way to go. Also a friend told me Sangold, if it delivers on promises, will be rolling in the money if gold prices stay up. If it hits 200,000 oz year production at a cash cost of $400 us it will indeed be flushed with dough. Time will tell.
On a good note my mortgage, which is my only outstanding debt, is now 2.25%. I suspect i will be below 2% before 2010. I just keep bumping up the payments slightly every time rates fall so that my remaining balance will be smaller when rates start rising (and they will eventually).
Did i mention i love google reader? Its fantastic. All my favourite blogs (the list is growing almost weekly) are now separate from my email. I can quickly scan headlines and find all my favourites in one neat area.
I will finish by saying my lists are growing daily. I need to pare down the lesser names so i can 'see' movements in my companies of choice. I continue to litter my lists with the RBS and Oilexco's more out of interest sake than investment. I continue to look for the Akita's that are making money, no debt and should make money in the future. Very few including Akita, as the drilling sector will suffer, meet the requirements.
One new idea is STP. I guess with oil under $40 time will tell if the environment importance fades like the commodities prices?
where do i begin. First Tesoro. Whoops. I tried to buy the actual shares when it hit just under $7. Yes tried as i forgot my trading password. Hmmm maybe that whole trading less strategy wasn't such a good idea after all? Well needless to say i have watched TSO and Energold among others go up steadily since i 'couldn't sign in'.
Now armed with my password and some more picks things are looking good. BVF has steadily marched up. I am deciding when to trim some holdings and will wait till after the Feb quarterly report. CLCT is also showings signs of life. Sadly Canwest should be taken out back and shot. I have decided the pittance $200 i have left in it will just stay there for now.
I was reading some silly replies on google finance comments. Some people are so childish. However it got me thinking. In this silly market why not try shorting your favourite failing financial institution and then buying calls in case it decides to stop writing off billions? Have yet to calculate this, but i suspect that the VIX will mean the calls are too rich and the spread to great for this idea.
With all banks doing so badly how soon before we have only government banks? The money being thrown at these companies makes me think of the 'no child left behind' Bush passed. This one could be reworded 'No shitty bank or borrower left behind'.
Many headlines are talking of massive deflation right now which is hard to argue with. Some reputable sources are pointing to inflation not to far off since we are flooding the system with money everywhere. My question is why? If all the banks fail out with that money and the assets are worth little then none of this money will get into the economy for a long time.
The Japan scenario seems to be closest for the US. It can't take more debt to fix the problem, but rather deflation. How much is any ones guess, but it must happen or the next bubble will just be bigger.
Enough ranting. SWIR looks to be trading cheaply. I see they bought another company. More work will need to be done on Sedar/Edgar before i throw good money after bad (i am all pro at this).
I am in the middle of 3 books right now. Literally i have reached the midway point on Common stocks uncommon profits, Snowball, and Unconventional Success. I also received The Contrarians 13 and its sitting on my dresser under the pile. My wife says i need to get a life.
I however quite like my life, but more balance might be a good thing. My 3 year old and I have been skating a few times. I hope he's like me so we can talk cause my wife sure doesn't.
If i was a betting man i might guess that picking railways, such as BNI, isn't such a bad way to go. Also a friend told me Sangold, if it delivers on promises, will be rolling in the money if gold prices stay up. If it hits 200,000 oz year production at a cash cost of $400 us it will indeed be flushed with dough. Time will tell.
On a good note my mortgage, which is my only outstanding debt, is now 2.25%. I suspect i will be below 2% before 2010. I just keep bumping up the payments slightly every time rates fall so that my remaining balance will be smaller when rates start rising (and they will eventually).
Did i mention i love google reader? Its fantastic. All my favourite blogs (the list is growing almost weekly) are now separate from my email. I can quickly scan headlines and find all my favourites in one neat area.
I will finish by saying my lists are growing daily. I need to pare down the lesser names so i can 'see' movements in my companies of choice. I continue to litter my lists with the RBS and Oilexco's more out of interest sake than investment. I continue to look for the Akita's that are making money, no debt and should make money in the future. Very few including Akita, as the drilling sector will suffer, meet the requirements.
One new idea is STP. I guess with oil under $40 time will tell if the environment importance fades like the commodities prices?
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